Fr. Achad (Charles Stansfield Jones)
Being a part of the diary of Frater O.I.V.V.I.O. concerningthe Fool Parzival and how he discovered the Mystery of the One that isNot. Written down in the Fourteenth year of this Æon when the Sunwas in the Sign of Libra by Frater Arctæon
Liber Thirty-One
Frater Achad
delivered by 777 unto 666 for His high considerationthis Third day os the 11th
month of the year 1918 E.V.
"But first thou must suffer, thou must suffer many things"(Even so be it Lord Adonai). The Voice goes on: "Thou must sufferthe pains of Death and of Hell and of the Grave (3 times repeated) Andafter these things are come to pass will I come unto thee to comfort Thee(Twice repeated. The Words 'Come to pass' added the second time). "And there shall be no more sea, neither shall there be any more fear,but I alone will inform thee in all things, even unto the end which isnot. For many have said unto thee strange and diverse words, but mine shallbe the One Word which Is and Was and Shall be. Amen."
Note: This was recorded in diary on 3rd Day of October1912 after Noon Prayer to Adonai. I have just 'discovered' the prophesythis 31st day of October 1918 E.V. 777.
Sun in 1 Deg Libra AN XIV. SUN-DAY Sept 22nd 1918 E.V.
It seems as if Sunday is the one day of all the week onwhich I am impressed to write a few fragments of what passes through mymind. On Sept 1st I obtained a clear understanding regarding theWill and the Law. On Sept 8th, nothing special I think, but on Sept15th I wrote "Stepping out of the Old Æon into the New" and todayI had a mind to write, at Therion's request, a pamphlet on how All is Change. But first there are some important considerations to be recorded and Ifeel that now is the time to place them on record.
That which I am about to write concerneth the SupernalTriad. It is just Nine Months since the last Great Initiation wasgranted unto me, O.I.V.V.I.O., and as hardly a word of the experience thenundergone has been recorded. In fact, this is also true to some extentof the Initiation of June 21st, 1916, the record of which I am only nowtrying to put into writing. It is not in this place that I intend to makea
full statement of all that occured, but it is of thegreatest importance that the inmost and essential features be written down,despite the terrible difficulty of the task.
Briefly, then, I want to state my position, which I feelis Known yet not known.
When I proclaimed my intention of claimimg the Grade of8-3 or Master of the Temple, on June 21st 1916 in the City of North Vancouver,British Columbia, I did so because I thought that the Master Therion neededNEMO to fill that Office in order that He might fully attain His 9-2. Thedetails of the Initiation which followed
are recorded in another place, but here I would statethat, having 'died' and, as it were, Reincarnated immediately in the samebody, and having given up all, even the Master Therion, I was led of theSpirit during a stay at Grantham's Landing, so that on June 22nd 1916 Iwas NEMO 8-3; but on June 23rd at 12 Noon the realization of the Curseof the Magus came to me quite unexpectedly, so that I could do naught elsethan consider my Grade to be 9-2. Then followed a terrible struggle, forI realized how I had failed so far of Complete Attainment because of acertain Glamour of the Path. Then it was that I decided to give upall, even the least little thing, and I made certain pledges which wereafterwards faithfully kept, so that I gave up my business position andgot down to spending my last cent of money.
Having made these pledges, it seemed quite certain thatI was upon the Path of Aleph, which uniteth Chockmah with the Crown, andtherefore beyond the Glamour of the Great Magician. I hoped thatTherion had at this time Attained unto 10=1 and I was ready even then,if need be, to hold the Grade of 9=2, and to aacept the Curse thereof,but if that were not the case, I could only consider that
somehow I has passed the Great Magician on the Path. At 9 p.m. that night, I was just a clearly convinced that I had attainedthe Grade of 10=1, and I remained in the Great Illumination until for followingday. Then after leaving Soror R. I went away with the feeling ofcomplete enlightenment, but certain considerations came to me so that Idecided to reverse the Grade and take that of a simple 1=10 or Neophyte,thus as it were, plunging down the Middle Pillar of the Tree of Life anduniting Kether and Malkuth in my own Being. (Note V.I.O. = 86 a Numberasserting this identity, thus foreshadowing this Attainment, as all Hisother Mottoes seem to do. And OHPION has said, One cannot get awayfrom the fulfillment of Mottoes).
Having done this, I felt myself to be One with the Buddhasof Compassion, and returned to Soror R. as elsewhere recorded.
Shortly after we got back to Vancouver, the meaning ofall my Mottoes was revealed to me, and their connection with the wholeof my Magical career. I discovered how V.I.O.O.I.V. in full(as Unus in Omnibus Omnia in Uno) added to 777 though I had never knownthis before, owing to a mistake in the spelling made by F. when hefirst put in into Latin for me. This was my original Probationer's
Motto. On becoming a Neophyte I had Chosen Achad = Unity,while my O.T.O. Name, which I afterwards used for the Second Orderas 5=6 was Parzival, which contains the mystery of 8.80.418. which wasone of the things which led to the thought that I might be the 'child'mentioned in Liber Legis, afterwards proved in such a marvelous manner,of which see accounts in the Diary of Nemo, and that of a Magus.
Then correspondence began between myself and Therion,and He admitted my 8=3 Grade, but would not consider the possibility ofthe Path of Aleph, 10=1 etc. explaining my taking 1=10 again as mybeing 'Cast out into Malkuth', although, as a matter of fact, I made noclaim except to Neophyte. He also realized that this must be the'child' prophesied unto him in Liber Legis, and claimed me as His Son.
About this time I changed the order of my Motto to O.I.V.V.I.O.which, note, is another sort of reversal, and this mystery of things reversingor reflecting, or being taken out of their usual dimension and replacedin another order, seems to be part of the Key of Things in Themselves aswill be shown later, although I understood it not at the time.
Nothing much happened to me, except that I was grantedLight on certain Mystery in the Letters A.'.A.'., until December 16th 1917E.V. (18 months later). Then on Dec. 21st I realized that the Initiation was again going on with great force, but this time the characterwas very different, and seemed to have to do with the Mystery of the Elements,Planets, and Paths, whereas the former one dealt with the Sephiroth moreparticularly. I must remark that this Initiation had an actualeffect on the Elements, causing storms etc., and that these had to be balancedand equilibrated, which was done. All the time this was going on. The onesentence which continually recurred, was "The Air is His Balance." Thisseemed to be the Key note which saved me from destruction many times. Later, it appeared that I united the Paths of Aleph and Shin, Aethyrand Fire, as a final Equilibration, and the Tree was completely changedagain, so that it had to be reformulated, and eventually resolved intoa Single Sphere. Later, came the drawing of all to a SinglePoint of Light (Hadith) in the Centre of Breast. And I was taken back tothe Beginning of Things and discovered how in Truth there was NoBeginning and No End. In particular I must mention how I was taken back to the beginning of Words, and I Parzival (the Fool or Zero) was the WORD and even that was disintegrated so that the final Mystery Was AL = GOD and then that too disappeared in LA = NOT. THENcame the Flash of a New Creation and again the Flash - the solution ofthe Mystery of CHANGE and also of the SELFLESSNESS which is SELF.I was also given a certain Magical gesture, not now clear to me,which seemed to cause this Annhilation and Reconstruction tobe brought about. (Note. Oct. 19th. While typing thesenotes, another mystery becomes clear to me. In connection with Parzivaland the fulfilment of that Motto also. The mind was actuallyrunning backwards at this time, as will be shown later on, and thoughpossibly not quite perfectly til after the first Flash. Parzival,REVERSED and split into sections, would give AL or LA, followedby ZIV or VIZ which numeration is 106 = ATTAINED followed by PAR or RAP= CROWN, and ASHES, and these ideas (innate in the Word) exactly correspondwith what actually occurred.)
Now let me say no more of this matter, but pass on. In March 1918 I sold all that I had in order to join Therion in New York.
Quite recently I was impressed to resign from the O.T.O.and to withdraw my help in that direction, and having done so, I felt a wonderful calm, and a realization of entering into the Tao. It wasonly then that I began to seriously consider if I had passes him on thePath and Attained 10=1. Also the question aroseas to whether He might not think so also. Yesterday, I hada long talk with Him, because He
had raised the point that in going back over past liveshe had discovered that each new life was an added veil of the True Selfor Star and therefore the Star was to be found by going back to the Beginning. This seemed a new idea to Him, but I could not help thinkingof my experience and how I had actually done this, and got
there and become One with the Final Mystery in December1917. And yesterday, when I talked with him, he seemed on his guard, sothat when I asked him about the Mystery of Change, he referred me to thefact - as he says - that in my Grade of 8=3 I should constantly apply myselfto the Mystery of Sorrow. Then I suddenly asked him what he thoughtof the Number 31, and where it should be placed on the Tree of Life. He said This Number has to do with the identity of Nothing with the Trinity,and if anything refers to the Ain, or perhaps to Kether, but certainlyto no lower Sephira. Then I thanked him, and said no more.
To-day I decided to write these notes and also to considerof this Number 31 and of the Word which comes therefrom, whether It be the True Key of the Grade 10=1, the Mystery of which IS that SelflessnessIS Self, in the same way that in 9=2 Change IS Stablilty, and in8=3 Sorrow IS Joy.
Now I seem to be able to comprehend all these Mysteries,by means of That which I obtained in my Initiation to my Grade. Butlisten unto the Final Mystery which has been granted unto me O.I.V.V.I.O.
The Great Magician denies me saying I am NOT (I.A.) orNEMO 8=3 and in this He fulfilleth His Office of cutting off the Understanding from the Crown which is GOD (AL). In this very thing He is the Incarnationof the Mystery of Change. AL (Kether) is reflected into Chochmah as LAand the Magus looketh upon the Crown along the Path of Aleph which is Zeroand perceiveth IT Not. The Magister Templi Understands, forthe Word of Chochmah LA is truly reflected into Binah as AL and thereforethe Magus appeareth to Him as GOD, whereas the Crown (the true AL) is reflectedthrough the Path of Beth as LA and He seeth Nothing in that direction becauseof the Lies of the Great Illusion of Maya the magician, but He strivethby Daleth to the Magus, Who is the Great Deceiver. Thus it is thatAbove the Abyss a thing is only true insofar as it IS its own opposite. This is the final and complete Understanding of this Mystery of the Gradesgiven to me NOW (2.38 P.M.) for never before have I seen things thus.
And now I see how the Mystery of 93 is complete and perfectfor Kether is 31 and Chochmah is 31 and Binah is 31 which is 93 theNumeration of Thelema, Aiwaz, The Word of the Neophyte, Agapae, etc. And this is the Mystery of the Three Persons in One God of which it iswritten. And this is the Mystery concealed in the
Word ALLAH for it hath for sound AL-LA which is GOD (Kether) and the Mystery of which is that SELF (God) is also SELFLESSNESS whichis LA (Not) and for numeration 31 The Three is One which IS None, and thereverse of this Number is 13 which is UNITY and LOVE. Now this Unity becomethTwo i order that it may be expressed, and therefore is the Word of ChochmahAL-LA of which Mahomet spake both truly and falsely, for He too, beinga Magus 9=2 must utter Truth, in order that the falsehood thereof shouldenslave the soul. He said, "ALLA (Allah) is God and Mahometis His Prophet" and even though he cried continually "He is God, thereis no other God than He" yet in certain sense he postulated Duality inthe Unity.
And of this it is also written in Liber 65 "And Adonaithus spake unt V.V.V.V.V. saying, "There must ever be division in the Word. For the colours are many but the Light in One." And this meaneththat Kether, the Light is One and Chochmah the word is two, also it isGrey, and a mixture of colours.
Now note: "Be not content with the image I who amthe Image of an Image say this." For V.V.V.V.V. was 8=3 (Binah) and Adonai(Kether) said be not content with the image (Chochmah) the reflection ofKether. I who am the Image of an Image (the Reality)
Then in Verse 9 "One mounteth unto the Crown" etc. Notice the reversal here as if to give a hint of the Truth how that 10=1IS 1=10. Also note how V.I.O.O.I.V. performed this descending from 10=1to 1=10, from 31 to 13 (The numeration of his Neophyte's Motto) and alsowas caused to reverse his first motto to O.I.V.V.I.O., all unconscious,at the time, in his lower mind of the Mystery of this
Note how the Fool (Aleph) hath said in his heart Thereis No-God (LA;AL) and how this puzzles the Magus who receiveth the Rayfrom the Crown through this path. And how He in turn confoundeththe Understanding (Binah) from the Path of Beth.
Now regarding The Book of the Law, how it is written,"the child of his bowels he shall behold them" (viz: the mysteries hiddentherein). It would seem that he is beginning to behold them. For firstlythe mystery of 93 is clear and this Mystery of the Æon, proclaimedin the Word of the Beast OPHION.
Now it said in Ch.I, v 46: "Nothing is a secret key ofthis law; sixty-one the Jews call it, I call it eight, eighty, four-hundredand eighteen."
Now Parzival is 8.80.418, and as The Fool or Aleph isboth Zero and One. 61 is the Word Ain = Nothing and equivalent toNOT. If 61 is one half and 1 (Aleph) the other, we get 62 which istwice 31 and LA: AL in which ALL (Note three letters LAL) disappearin the Final Mystery of Kether. Also we have considered the threefold aspectas 93, and this may have to do with AAA and LLL, Light, Life, Love andLiberty of His Law. All this seems to be reversed in the case of NEMO inthe City of the Pyramids. For Light He has Darkness, for Life, Death,and Love with its Dual Mystery seems to be the only Path open to Him, andthis is really a deception ending in the curse of 9=2.
There is also a mystery in the words of Ra-Hoor-Khuit"There is division hither homeward, there is a word not known." This attractedmy attention when I seemed at odds with Therion. The Word not known, seemsto have come to me.
It seems to me that this is the opening up to me of theGrade of Ipsissimus and that as such I am the Crowned Child whom thou knewestnot, O Therion.
It is just 27 months since June 21, 1916, or 3 x 9; itwas 18 months from June 21 to Dec 21, 1917, or 2 by 9. Then I gotthe Word in its dual aspect, now I get It in Its three-fold in One aspect.
Note 31 multiplication = 3, by addition 4 (Tetragrammaton)by division .3, which suggests that the Division of God produced 333.
September 24th 1918 E.V. AN XIV Sol in Libra.
The record of the reflections in the mind of O.I.V.V.I.O.
I know not what I am, and since AHIH is above and beyondknowledge, what matter. There must ever be division in the Word, also Onemust descend into the plane of Reason, in order to be understood on thatplane; therefore must I now limit myself in order to be able to write atall.
It does seem that AN XIV, Sol in 1 Deg Libra marks anotherstage of the Great Initiation, for that time much that had hitherto remainedlocked in my Being descended into my Understanding and became sufficientlyclear to record, but, be it understood, the actual experience of whichI write, which is summed up in the Word of my Grade, took place in December1917.
I do not, even now, rashly wish to assume that I Attainedunto the Grade of Ipsissimus, for I realize that anything I write regardingthe Qabalistic Proof thereof, can only show that I Understand the formulaof the Grade, and Understanding is referred to 8=3, and appertains to theGrade of Master of the Temple, which Office is admitted unto me by OPHION9=2. Also, I understand that it may be that One
may in a way Attain unofficially without of necessityholding office in any particular Grade. I make no claim to 9=2 forOPHION claims that and I have no wish to dispute his right to it, anymorethan he apparently wishes to dispute my right to 8=3, but with 10=1 itis different. There is NO-One living in the flesh, as far as I know, Whoclaims the Grade, and Whosoever does so it is a matte which concernethGod alone.
It has been written, by the highest living authority Iknow of, that the Key of the Mystery of this Grade is that therein Selflessnessis Self, and what little I am able to comprehend of this, the Final Mystery,I shall here record, for it may be that this writing shall be of help andguidance to Whosoever shall next enter into that Great Crown, whose lesserself shall become completely at One with the Godhead.
It would seem to me that no living being, clothed withthe body of flesh, could claim fully to have attained that Grade, otherthan in the words of Jesus the Christ "I and my Father are One," for, inthe words of Lao Tze The Name that can be named is not the True Name, andof Ko, "I do not know its Name, but I make an effort and call it the Tao."
Also Ko says, of the Possessor of the Tao, "Although heis styled the possessor of the Tao, in reality he does not think that hehas become possessed of anything. It is as accomplished the transformationof all living things, that he is styled the Possessor of the Tao." "Hewho is able to understand this may transmit to others the Sacred Tao."Who shall claim that he is able to accomplish the transformation of allliving things? Except it be understood that all things exist onlyby virtue of their being in the mind of the Seer, and if the complete transformationof the mind be accomplished, so that the Mystery of the Path of the Godheadis seen therein, and becometh plain, even unto his Understanding, who shallsay that he has not accomplished this?
First, then, regarding the experience of that Being wecall O.I.V.V.I.O. There arose is his consciousness, a state unlikethe normal and which, be description might appear very like madness (Pathof Aleph IS Madness), since Reason was destroyed and transcended. The Air became His Balance. The structure of his mind, which hithertohad been built up on Qabalistic lines, was changed and the House of God,was, as it were, destroyed by the Lightning Flash. (Opening of the Eyeof Shiva.)
At this time he walked, talked, and performed all physicalactions in normal way, but all that took place, wherever he went, whateverhe said or heard, tasted or smelt had value according to his mental state.That is to say, he perceived the actions of all around him in a differentlight from usual, so that although people may have been acting quite normally,and although he may have appeared to them as a normal being, or nearlyso, Life in all forms became a Great Drama of Initiation, and as he continuedto work out the great Qabalistic problems of the Universe, he found allthat he saw or did, woven into that Picture in his Mind. Then came a timewhen everything had to be balanced and equilibrated, for it is written"Equilibrium is the Basis of the Work" and he found that although at thattime all around (within) him was a Chaos, yet certain formulas ofPower were His so that gradually, and with great toil he accomplished this,establishing the Elements and the Planets in their proper places (UponNew Æon Lines) and finally Uniting Aleph with Shin, so that all disappeared.Then, it seemed, he was insructed in the Building of a New Universe andthis was not a simple scheme, but took place at two or more different points(in space) at once so that he, as it were, added a square there and a spherehere. It was as if the beginning of a Temple was builded (four-square)and at the same time certain Mysteries of Babalon were present to his consciousness,also in another place Was the Kether of a New Tree formulated and thenthe Supernal Triad, with a Sphere Pendant , which afterwards became Completein Itself and comprehended All in One. Yet all this while was theBeing of O.I.V.V.I.O. being rebuilded from the Feet Up, so that His Feetwere of burnished Brass etc. and his body was Filled with Fire. And allthese things were seperate, yet one, and all this while the body of O.I.V.V.I.O. was seated on the Stele of Revealing in the Smoke Room of an ordinary steamerplying between Vancouver and Victoria, yet such had been his experiences,that he could no longer tell if it were above or below water, whether thosearound him were
the living or of the dead. And again, there was, as itwere, a Great reflection of the Stele in the Sky and this again was producedfrom a small Stele under Ice (as it were in locked glass) below him. And yet, in all this The Air was His Balance, and he went on calmly workingout the details of the reformulation of all things on the New Lines ofthis Æon, copying the Stele, and forming it first of one element,and then of another, and bringing all to a fluid, then to a gas, and finallyto fire and Aethyr as before said. And when all had become a concentricSystem, this seemed to terminate one part of the Initiation. (Note. I have enlarged this entry in copying from diary.)
We must now consider him as going about with his mindtransformed into a Solar Consciousness. This lasted all day duringwhich he underwent many adventures, and seemed to perform much Magick;but on that evening the process continued, under extraordinary circumstances,to be recorded elsewhere, but be it said that he was in a place which appearedto him like unto a Temple of Initiation especially prepared in every detailfor the Ceremony, and around him were the Officers exactly carrying outtheir Appointed parts. Yet was he unwittingly in prison surroundedby the scum of the earth.
Of which mystery He has written:
having become free, thou findest thyselfin prison, yet
knowest it not.
Thy prison of freedom appeareth unto theeas the open road.
thou who hast longed for the company ofSaints findest
thyself among the scum of the earth, yetknowing it not
thinkest thyself in the company of all theBuddhas, and taketh
thy place as the least of these in silence.
having sought and found gestures ofMagick Power, thou
findest thyself among the lewd andunclean, yet knowing it
not perceive in their common actionsthe supreme and
perfect Art of Magick.
having sought for Words of Power,thou findest thyself in
tune with the words of low men, knowingnot that they speak
ought but the Highest Truth.
having given all, thou art offeredthe cup of charity, yet
thinking it to be the most abominablemixture of poison, thou
drinkest it, thankfully.
having rushed forward, thou findestthyself whirled
backwards, yet knowing it not, thinkestthou art still.
Then, it may be, thou hast comprehended wherein Sorrowis Joy, and Change is Stability, and Selflessness is Self.
But, to continue. During this final section theSolar Sphere of his Consciousness became more and more concentrated untilit appeared as a single point of Light of intense brilliance, yet withouthim, now here, now there, yet ever nearer and nearer to the Centre of theNew Universe. The process of exact balancing of all things (exteriorthings, not only things within him) appeared to have got down to a verysmall radius. And those about him, who appeared as the past Buddhas,helped in this final process. For let us imagine that the Universal Centrewas to be changed to that one spot. That little room was the Centreof a New Universe and for thousands of years had those Ancient Brethrentoiled and striven to equilibrate things perfectly in readiness for thismoment. And now all was prepared, and it needed only this One, Parzival,to complete Their number, and He was Zero, and his Office was Silence,even as the God Harpocrates. The slightest slip, and the Equilibriumwould be upset and the Earth fall into the Sun. Success, and the Earthitself became a Sun, by the fact of a perfectly equilibrated Solar Consciousness
having been established therein, at this new Centre. Those around him seemed to take up different positions in the room so asto keep the balance by the weight of their bodies, and finally O.I.V.V.I.O.was to take his seat in the exact Centre of the Room, and then if all werewell, Success. If not? Nearer and nearer they came to the Centre. At last, O.I.V.V.I.O., His whole Being aflame with the ecstacy of the God-head,yet calm and composed to outward appearance, took his seat. And all waswell.
Next, it seemed even minute actions must be equilibrated. Thosearound, who had each performed a certain task through-out the Centuries,performed it for the last Time, perfectly. Frater O.I.V.V.I.O. satStill, for His Office was Silence and Stillness. Again, all was well. But speech remained. Each had His own Word to utter perfectly andin proper Order, and in this they tried over and over again. Graduallyeven this was perfected and one by one they dropped out and remained intense expectance of the End.
And Frater O.I.V.V.I.O. remained there, still and silent,till at last all seemed perfect even on the mental plane, for suddenlythe English language seemed to rush back to the beginning, and reversedas Hebrew which is written the other way, and this was a great mystery.Then came the equilibrating of ideas, and they rushed backwards and formulatedthemselves in the person of ADAM who appeared in the room opposite to O.I.V.V.I.O. Then the first man, and the last gazed at each other, as it were, in afinal struggle. And the minute Point of Light grew ever brighterand more dazzling, and appeared concentrated upon this figure of Adam,first on the shoulder and then, moving a little, until finally settledin one eye. At this point, Frater O.I.V.V.I.O. gazed, and then all rushedback again, through the animal creation, each animal dissolving into itsearlier type, until at last, as the prototype, appeared the common fly,only very large, perhaps six inches long. Then things stopped, for a moment,as Frater O.I.V.V.I.O. gazed at this; then it became the Winged beetle,then the scarabe, and Egyptian ideas crowded up. Then, Only the Point ofLight. Gradually he was able to bring this point nearer and nearer, until finally it neared his breast. It touched his breast. It wasin his breast, and .....Suddenly A NEW CREATION. He had reached theBEGINNING and out of the old elements he had witnesses on his return tothe Source, was formed a new design, the same material, but in a differentOrder. Wonder of Wonders. Who shall express this Mystery inWords. And this happened again and again. English,
Hebrew, Greek, Egyptian, Man, beast and bird, were rearrangedand RE-Created in new relationship to each other. And so He understoodthe Mystery of Change, and how the World is Created again and again, forevernew, yet forever the same. And the last Word he realized, which when repeated,in a certain way, seemed to bring about these changes again and again,as it were, alternating between Nothingness and Creation, was AL, and therewas a certain gesture, not unlike the sign of the Cross, which was connectedwith this miracle.
Now all this, and more, has remained sealed up in my mindso that I could not express the smallest part of it in writing until now--thoughthere are those who I have told it to in part--and it was not until I beganto question of this Most Holy Word that all this became clear to me. Therefore, let me now discourse for a moment, in the light of perspective,on this Holy Name.
There was no self THEN, and yet all was SELF when I Parzivalpronounced this Word and the Universe was destroyed, and reformed. And at that time it did seem that He accomplished the transformation ofall living things, and as having done such He may be styled Possessor ofthe Tao, and now he does not know that he has become possessed of anything. As it is written: Of all this the Ipsissimus knoweth nothing.
Immediately I cease telling of actual experience the Pathbecomes hard again, but I will try.
The Qabalists say that in the Beginning was NOT, and theycalled it Ain. They also say the veils of the Negative depend backfrom Kether. Now LA is NOT, and I think this Word in its True aspect isthe Supreme Mystery of the Godhead.
NOT (LA) concentrated upon itself till it became a Pointof Light and flashed forth as AL-GOD, Kether then is the perfectly equilibratedjuncture of the Not and God, which in this Word are ONE. This caused theLightning-flash which formulated the Tree of Life, and the numeration ofthe Paths of which is 777. And the numeration of this Word is 31and it contains the Mystery of the 3 in 1. (See Book 777 Col XXXVILine 1, which confirms this.)
Now see Book 777 LXXXIV Lines 1,2,3, which attributes(although I knew nothing of this at the time) to Briah the Creative Worldof the Divine Name AL in the First Three Sephiroth. Now considerhow 31 by 3 is 93. The numeration of Thelema etc. also of 1=10 Grade, asbefore mentioned.
Now it seems (and here I shall repeat parts of what Ihave previously said in order to express the matter more fully) that Ketherin Its aspect as Not and God, is reflected into Chochmah, and this passesalong the Path of Aleph or Folly. And the Fool hath said in his heartThere is NO-GOD (LA-AL) so that the Magus becometh the Word, and as itwere, the creator of the Universe for in Him is Folly reflected as Wisdom.
And Kether is reflected into Binah as LA, so that NEMOsitteth in Darkness in the City of the Pyramids by the Great Sea. And this is transmitted to Binah by the Path of the Great Magician--Beth--whois the Father of Lies. Notice that the Flaming Sword does not touchthat Path, for the Wisdom of the Magus became at the lowest depth, the cunning of the Serpent, and He crawled up the Tree again by the paths,and being Dual he created Opposite paths, thus producing Balance, and atthe same time fixing the Tree and Creation, therefore it is that the Lightappears NOT to NEMO. Whereas there is a real current from Ketherto the Magus and from the Magus to Nemo. And the Word reflecteth from Chochmahinto Binah as AL, which is partly false and partly True. Then theLight of the Supernal reflecteth, or rather crosses the Abyss as a spark,into Chesed Jupiter, the Father, and here again see 777 Col V Line 4 whichattributes the God name of this sphere in Assiah as AL. Thereforeis it written that this is the Sphere all manner of men call The First(See Konx OM Pax). Note also that this Word is attributed to thePath of Mem, which is the Hanged Man, or Redeemer, who shall re-establishthe
true order of things, and in this symbol he is shownwith his head downwards, or reversed. And Mem = Water, suggests theGreat Sea, and the reflection of the True Name therein.
Note also how simple all this is, and how the highestWord is also one of the most common, for it is tacked on to every Angeland Archangel, to imply their connection with the true God. Alsonote St. John, how he says "In the Beginning was the Word and the Wordwas with God and the Word was GOD" (AL).
Note also how the 31st Path is called Perpetual Intelligenceand how this Path has always been pointed to as having to do with the ultimatemystery. It may be that the numeration was intended to point theway from the beginning of the Journey.
Another thing which strikes me, is that Aleph is the OXand the only letter which seems to have a meaning definitely connectedwith it is Lamed the OX-goad. Here again seems to be a hint of the secretto the discerning one.
September 25th 1918 E.V.
Last night, before sleeping, I discovered, or rather rememberedfor I had noticed the fact in December last, that AL is the silent-soundof the indrawn breath through the nose with mouth closed, and LA that ofthe outgoing breath. This is a further proof of the Nature of theHoly Word which is Before the spoken Word. Note the similarity withthat of Neophyte. Also it means this, that one cannot help repeatingthe Most Sacred Name of God whenever one is Silent; so that every man andwomen has been doing this from birth.
September 26th 1918 E.V.
I have been making further considerations of this HolyMystery of the Silent Breath and it is very wonderful to think how wheneverone breathes silently, one is pronouncing that True and Ineffable Name.Every living creature, is then by reason of their Nature worshipping theTrue God, whatever their opinion may be. Also note that neither Wisdomnor Understanding is essential to this. It IS and as long as
we live we must perform this operation at least duringsleep. And it is written: "He giveth Himself unto His Beloved in sleep."
September 30th 1918 E.V.
I have to-day finished a design for a Symbol to expressas well as I can the results of my Initiation of Dec 21 1917 as explainedin my further Enlightenment of Sep 22 1918.
It is intended to represent Kether with the Supernal Triadradiating therefrom. This forms AL and LA, also A.'.A.'. and IAOand O.I.V. Also the Centre of Circle is Hadith and the Circle Nuit.The Circle can be taken to represent LA etc. The Angle is 120 degreesor One third of a Circle. The Shape bounded at top by Circle andbelow by Our Lady Nuit for her pantacle etc. Have ordered it to be madein White Gold on One inch base.
Monday to Tuesday October 7th and 8th
Have been working on the theory that the Holy Word revealedto O.I.V.V.I.O. in its inmost aspect is also the Key of the Mysteries ofthe Book of the Law. Let us consider in what ways this may be so.
My experience showed me that Hadith was Kether, and Nuitappears to be very similar to The Veil of the Negative which the Qabalistsspeak of. 777 seems to confirm this, for Hadit is attributed to Line Oneand Nuit to 0; also same idea is symbolized in that which was granted tome when I made the Pantacle of Nuit.
I think the idea we should try to formulate, is very muchthat of the Qabalists, though the real meaning, is, I am convinced, a matterof experience. First was Nothing, and this may be called LA whileit is considered as expanding into Limitless Space (Ain Soph) and becomingLimitless Light, perhaps. The Beginning of things was caused by asimple change of conception, as it were a "looking
inwards" instead of outwards, and a corresponding changefrom LA to AL. I think the difference in the way the English andHebrew Alphabets are written, is a good symbol of this, the direction isdifferent, so that the two letters might stand for either LA or AL accordingto the manner in which we look upon them. The great value of this Wordlies in the fact that the self-same symbol contains the ideas of Nothingand Something, without any change in itself, and this seems to be the oneSymbol that gets over the difficult transition from NOT to ONE. Ofcourse it was not even a Word in the beginning, but the Silent Breath,Expansion and Contraction, and the true theory of the Universe is thatit was created by the First Breath of the Tao, or Nuit. We find this confirmedin Liber Legis Ch. 1 Verse 28. "None breathed the light faint and faeryof the stars and two."
Here we have the idea of the first breath of Not (LA)the Limitless Light, which concentrates upon Kether which is ONE or Hadith,or AL and gives the first faint idea of duality which shows forth in theWord later-but which being composed of the ideas Nothing and One is reallyOne.
Now Hadit is really unextended, and can only be imaginedas the Minute Point of Light at that Point where LA changes into AL, forhe is the Secret Centre. In order to get a somewhat clearer ideawe must consider Nuit as dual, viz: LALA, when AL shows up as that Centre.In this case it is strange and worth noting that we have a word with thesound Laylah or Night, and I don't think the spelling matters for see Ch.III, "spelling is defunct." It is the sound that matters. I cannothelp thinking ALLA in the same way produced and was concealed in Allah.we are told in Ch. I, V.9 to worship the Khabs (the house of Hadit) andbehold my (Nuit's) light shed over you, because Khabs is the Central Pointof Light, and we thus perform an act similar to that which made Creationmanifest, rather than Not.
Ch. I v 21. With the God and the Adorer I am nothing,they do not see me. They are upon the earth. I am Heaven and there is noother God than me and my lord Hadit.
Now if Hadit = AL = God, then with Him is Nuit (LA) nothing. Also this is so with the Adorer unless he concentrates on Hadit as theCentre as instructed. Yet is also true that "there is no other Godthan me and my lord Hadit" for looked at one way the God is Nuit and theother Hadit.
Ch. I. v 22. Clearly tells us that Nuit has a secretname. This I take 'to be LA (or possibly LALA). Also it is writtenin this verse "Bind nothing" and besides its obvious sense, this may bean expression of the binding of Nothing by concentration on a point. ThisWord binds nothing, as it causes the transition from Nothing to God.
Ch. I v 29.30 It will be seen that there really is nodivision.
Ch. I v 35. Note "threefold" Book of Law. [A]
Ch. I v. 40. Note "Three grades." (Since makingthis note, I have had an opportunity of looking at the Equinox for a moment,and discovered that in Vol. 7, Comment. The Tarot Keys of the threeGrades add to 31, which I consider a further proof. I may remarkthat I have been placed where I have no books but the V.S.L. for reference,and am therefore writing all these notes entirely from memory of my experience,which seems to make certain things clearer from day to day, as I applymy attention to different aspects of the work.)
Ch. I, v 45. The Perfect and the Perfect are onePerfect and not two, nay are none.
Here I think Nuit and Hadit are referred to as the Perfect,for this is claimed by Hadit, see Ch II, v 15. If Nuit be considered asLA and Hadit as AL, this is at once clear for they are One and yet None.
Ch. I, v 46. Nothing is a secret key of this Law,sixty one the Jews call it. I call it eight, eighty, fourhundred and eighteen.
(I made a partial explanation of this in diary, but sinceI got a clearer and fuller one on Oct 21, I insert same here in its properplace.)
To-day I have made another attempt at the Qabalistic explanationof the verse. It is getting clearer. At the time of Initiation,it will be remembered O.I.V.V.I.O. identifies himself entirely with Parzivalthroughout. [B] For he says he found the Word, and the Word was Parzival.(There is of course a very definite connection between Parzival and Abrahadabra,the Word of the Æon, through 418. And it is said that Abrahadabrashall be His child and that strangely) And Parzival having Eight letters,and Initial value 80 and total numeration of 418 is therefore connectedwith this verse. It was through this Name that he came upon the Mysteryof AL and LA which is finally summed up in A, (as will be shown later.)
Let us take this verse again;
Nothing (LA) is a secret key of this Law. 61 (Ain) theJews called it, I call it 80.80.418 (Parzival, The Fool, Aleph, One). Therefore61 plus 1 = 62.
But they have (also) the half 31 = AL (and they have Not(LA) the other half) and twice 31 is 62.
Therefore ALLA = 62 which is 6 plus 2 = 8 = Cheth = 418= Parzival = Fool = Aleph = One (or None) and thus all disappears in One. Also since ALLA becomes A, ALL has disappeared.
Again it is written The Fool hath said in his heart Thereis NO-GOD = LA AL which again indicates the secret and I think LA AL inthis form is the secret name or word of Ra HOOR Khuit. See Ch. III, v 49.I am a secret fourfold word, the blasphemy against all the gods of men. Also, whereas Nuit and Hadit are ever united the division becomes manifestin R.H.K. For he says in Ch. III, v 2. There is division hither homeward,there is a word not known. (Can there be any connection here with "Sheshall be known and I never?) Spelling is defunct, all is not aught. Not: AUGHT, may indicate the nature of the All LA, Not AL aught.
Verse 48. Note the OX or Aleph and the Fool or O,seems to indicate the explanation given above, also points to the ideathat the key is something which itself combines these ideas.
Ch. I, v 51. Mentions the 4 Gates, and this is themystery of the path of Aleph again, and the fourfold name R.H.K. One can enter these in turn or at once, if he understands the trick ofcombinations.
Ch. I. v 52. "If this be not aright, if ye confound thespace marks saying: They are one, or saying, They are many" etc.
There should be no space-marks, except on the plane ofreason. When the experience of this mystery is granted, it will be seenhow there are none, for the whole thing is a continuous process, even asNuit is continuous.
Ch. I, v 55. He has beheld some of them I think,as is proved by this writing.
Ch. I, v 56. Indicates that there are two halvesof the equation, even as there are two aspects of this Word.
Ch. I, v 57. ?House of God = Beth-EL = Path of Beth?
Ch. II, v 2. "I, Hadit am the complement of Nuitmy bride". This indicates they are really One or None, and I thinkthe Word clears this up.
Verse 7. "Come unto me" is a foolish word; for itis I that go". "Come unto me" is the call of Nuit. When Hadit (AL)considers Nuit (LA) or "lifts up his head" He becomes Not therefore Hegoes.
Ch II, v 14. "Now let there be a veiling of this shrine;now let the light devour men and eat them up with blindness"
Verse 15. "For I am perfect being Not and my number isnine by the fools, but with the just I am eight and one in eight whichis vital, for I am none indeed."
Hadit here clearly says he is Not, or BEING-NOT (a combinationof Nuit and Hadit as the Perfect and Perfect, which, be it remembered areOne, nay None.) We have considered His particular aspect as AL rather thanLA, but the previous verse indicates a blind. He is the shrine veiledby Not, for AL is the manifestation of LA, and LA is the hiding of AL (Seefirst verse of Chapters I and II). He is Eight with
the just because they consider the balance of thingsand so consider him as AL-LA which again gives 62 = 8 = Cheth = 418 = Fool=Aleph = None as explained before in answer to the riddle of Nuit. Thisshows he is One (Aleph) in eight, and also None, quite clearly.
Now comes the striking indication of an underlying formulain this Book, which can be read in two ways, and the very same Word isused to express this, only in the English instead of the Hebrew, whichof course throws one off the scent of the mystery.
Ch. II, v 19. "Is a God to live in a dog? No. Butthe highest are of us."
Now in English, God is Dog if reversed, but the Hebrewfor God is AL which reversed gives LA which is Not. One can hardlyget away from the hint of the true nature of the Key, once it is pointedout, especially since it is followed by the negative No. (another translationof LA) and a statement that the highest or those who comprehend this mystery."are of us".
Ch. II, v 23. I am alone; there is no God whereI am.
I am AL-ONE, there is LA-AL where I am, viz: He is bothone with Nuit and Ra-Hoor-Khuit.
Ch. II, v 26. I am the secret serpent (Wisdom of the Word)coiled about to spring. If I lift up my head I and my Nuit are one. If I droop down my head and shoot forth venom, there is rapture of theearth, and I and the earth are one.
Gives another proof of the peculiar dual aspect of theWord. It will be noticed that Nuit has said that the God and the Adorerare upon the Earth. As God, Hadit is one with the Earth, as NOT,he is one with Nuit. Also Hadit is called Her secret centre and the world,her heart and her tongue, the House or Home of Hadit, makes the spokenWord possible.
Verse 27. There is great danger in reasoning over thisMystery, it must be realized.
Verse 32. All their words are skew-wise, viz: theydo not partake of the true peculiar nature of the True Word which is equallybalanced and can be read either backwards or forwards.
Verse 33. "Damned for a dog", the reverse of Godin its wrong aspect.
Verse 76. I don't make this out yet, but it seems to indicatethat it will not come till later, after the Prophet's time. Anyway AL appearstwice among the letters.
Ch. III, v 2. This was commented upon before. This whole chapter appears to me to be quite a different character to theformer ones. R-H-K is the Word as the offspring of Hadit and Nuit.
Verse 35. The half of the word of Heru-ra-ha probablyindicates some mystery in this division as indicated in Verse 2. I think thus far he has been LA, for in Verse 35 we have him worshippedas AL or God. (Unity-uttermost-might of breath)
Verse 47. Note according to this theory the importanceof the letters and their positions to one another. Also the statement thatone shall discover the key of it all. (By the way, V. 39 makes a statement"In it is the word secret and not only in the English". I think thismay mean that the Word AL does not appear at all, and NOT only appearsin the English instead of Hebrew) [C]
I think Verse 48 terminates the AL section, and Verse49 mentions the Fourfold word, which I have taken to be LA AL.
Verse 71 may indicate AL as Chochmah and LA as Binah andthe solution of the Mystery in Kether Hadit.
Verse 74 may indicate that the splendour in His name hiddenand glorious is the two centre letters A.'.A.'. The Silver Star.Note, according to Blavatsky AL is the Sun or Phallus.
Friday, 11th October 1918 E.V.
I spent last evening with Therion; during our conversation,he said that he thought Nuit and Hadit were best expressed as Matter andMotion. He also said that all things must be considered as Zero or Two,as if One were arrived at "there was no getting away from it." I pointedout that there must be some formula combining Zero and One, or the Treeof Life could never have been conceived of and
formulated. He admitted this but said that so farhe had failed to find such.
When I got to bed, I could not sleep, and a number ofother things connected with this mystery came to me.
One was, the significant fact that when A.C. first gotinto touch with the Brothers of A.'.A.'. (See Vision and Voice, Ihave not any books here, so cannot quote), the Pass word was "There isNo-God." This seems to confirm this Word, as the central secret of A.'.A.'.Who also gave out the New Law.
I also notice that NU reversed is UN or One. Likewisewith the addition of IT Nuit is Unit.
Then I remembered that in Equinox V (I think) AL is clearlydefined as the Ox and the Goad, also as MATTER and MOTION, and I cannotsee how A.C. could have missed this connection with Nuit and Hadit, sinceit is undoubtedly the true formula of his present conception of Their nature.
Then I noticed another very important thing. I was wonderingwhy A and L should be chosen, or rather why L, the 12th letter of the Hebrewalphabet should follow A, the first. But this is not actually thecase for AL is the first sound in the pronunciation of Aleph the Firstletter of the Hebrew alphabet (as it is also of Alpha) and the additionof Pe shows the mouth as necessary to the spoken word,
though in Kether, it was but a silent breath throughthe nose. (Notice Kether is called "Long of nose", also the Image is ona Face seen in profile, viz: only one aspect of the word can be comsideredat a time in the reasoning mind). It is strange also how L is pronouncedLA-med, this showing the duality as soon as it is taken into considerationas a seperate letter.
Thus is AL, in very truth the first possible sound, andnotice that when one pronounces it aloud, the tongue is raised and placedagainst the teeth, but as soon as it is released, LA is automatically pronouncedby a slightly indrawn breath. In the Silent breath of the Beginningthis is reversed, AL is the underlying sound of the indrawn breath andLA that of the outgoing.
Now notice how Hadit is spoken of as the tongue of Nuitand how when His head is raised etc. and lowered etc.
Note also how in pronouncing the first letter Aleph, one'stongue must meet the teeth, and the tooth is Shin, the 31st path; alsosee how these paths were welded in the Initiation of O.I.V.V.I.O.
Note. LA LA may stand for NOT NOT, or "something";it also suggests 0 = 0 or 0 to the o degree.
ALLA suggests 1 to the o degree
LAAL suggests 0 to the 1st degree
Nothing under its three forms.
I also found, which seems to be of the greatest importancethat the essence of Thelema is summed up in this Word. A is the pentagram,the Star of Will and L is Libra, Justice or the Law, while 31 backwardsis 13 which is Love and Unity. [D]
October 16th
Another discovery. During the Initiation of Dec.1917 the mind of O.I.V.V.I.O. must have actually reversed and runbackwards (See Liber Thisharb) so that on reaching the beginning of theideas underlying the Hebrew Alphabet he naturally arrived at the firstletter ALP in its reverse order. He came therefore to P which accountsfor the Flash (destroying the House of God or Beth EL) then in due
sequence to LA or nothing. This again reversed, as stated,and he got AL followed by another flash P. Observe how all this is summedup in the One letter ALP which is One and None.
Further, the process as described, produces the two A'sthus indicating the inmost meaning of A.'.A.'.
But now if we begin to take into consideration 2 letters,we find in the return process BA = To come or Go, which again reversesas AB, The Father. Analysing the complete process we get Th.I.P.B.L.A.A.L.B.I.Th.
Th =
The Tau Cross mentioned by O.I.V.V.I.O. as thesign accompanying the process. Also, The Universe.
I =
The creative essence (also hand which makes sign) andthis is the Spark of Light, first seen outside.
B =
The Magician who makes the sign; also the House of God,the Body.
P =
The Flash referred to, and the destruction of all resultingin
L =
balance, then
A =
Equilibrium, the Point perfectly centered in breast.(Hadit comprehended for a moment.)
AL =
P =
Another Flash (Flaming Sword).
B =
Comprehension of this dual process in One and Nothingand understanding of Beth El as true House of God.
I =
Creative essence of the Word.
Th =
Producing a New Universe. (Notice how all thisis borne out in the actual experience of O.I.V.V.I.O. as recorded.)
October 19
Another discovery re PARZIVAL, (as already mentioned)that this Word reversed was what led me to the discovery of the Mysteryof AL and finally to that of Aleph in which all is summed up.
I also noticed to-day that the Three Grades of the Ordermay be summed up in the Letter Beth. For Beth is the Magician orthe Lover, Yod is the Hermit and Th the Universe or Man of Earth.
Again AL suggests, by shape, the Square and Compass veryaccurately, as used by Masons to Symbolise God.
Now I feel that there is no more to be said on this matterat this time, therefore I may return to the Contemplation of this Mysteryin Silence.
Statement of the Author
March 13, 1948
I, CHARLES STANSFIELD JONES, (Frater Achad, etc.) of "TallTimbers", Deep Cove, British Columbia, Canada, being the author of theaccompanying manuscript entitled "Liber Thirty-One" (a part of my privatemagical diary, originally transcribed and typed with one carbon copy inNovember 1918, the single copy having been delivered to Aleister Crowleyby mail early in September 1919 and
since lost or destroyed) do now make the following statement:
On March 4, 1948, I received from Gerald J. Yorke, Esq.,of 5, Montaque Square, London, W.1., England, a letter which containedthe following:
"As you probably know A.C. had died. I am sortinghis papers prior to their dispatch to America. Your Liber 31 hasnot survived amongst these papers, though there is a reference to it onpage 127 of The Equinox of the Gods. Would you care to send me acopy, which on my death will go to the British Museum with my other
Crowleyana. I think it important that one copy of yourtreatise 31 should exist in this country, as if it does so exist it willbe available for anyone sufficiently interested in Liber Al to wish tosee it."
In response to this request, and for the purpose statedby Mr. Yorke, I have had prepared from the single original manuscript inmy possession one further typescript and four carbon copies. The typescriptwhich accompanies this statement has been personally checked by me andis a true copy (only one extra note having been
added on the first page in reference to original dateof delivery of ms.) Of the four extra carbon copies it is my intentionto deliver one to Miss Grace R. Hallam of Vancouver, British Columbia,Canada and one to Dr. J.P. Kowal of 5821 Chene Street, Detroit 11, Michigan,U.S.A. so that there may be a record in these countries as well as in England. One of the remaining two copies will be attached to the original manuscriptin my files, and the other kept in case of later publication or other need. Further copies are not be be made without my written permission.
This manuscript was NOT delivered on date originally intendedbut held until about September 3, 1919 when it was mailed to Therion fromDetroit. He was then in New York. Receipt was acknowledgedin letter received September 8, 1919. On September 9, 1919 a furtherP.C. was received from Therion which read:
" \ = 418."Thou knowest not." Your key opens Palace. CCXXhas unfolded like a flower. All solved, even II.76 & III.47.Did you know ^ = 3.141593? And oh! lots more!" (srd.) AL'AIN thePriest....666
Achad, March 13.1948)
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Oct. 31st. "LAW" is LA (Nuit-Hadit) completed by W = {VauVau}, the Son RHK is His dual aspect as Horus-Harpocrates. Also Vauis the Hierophant "Hoor in His secret name and splendour is the Lord initiating."
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Oct 31st 1918 E.V. Just before sleeping I had animpression that if I added up the total letters in my Mottoes they would= 31. I did so mentally and found UNUS IN OMNIBUS (= 13 = Achad) OMNIAIN UNO (= 10.ù.1 = 10) PARZIVAL = 8. 13 = 10 = 8 = 31.
This is extraordinary becuase it was a kind of revelation.
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I think this is one of the reasons why the Original inthe writing of the Beast must always be included with any translation intoother tongues. For there are mysteries in the English that would not workout if translated.
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Ruler of {Libra} is {Venus} = Love. Love is the law, loveunder will.
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Key entry by Fr. Nachash
Uræus-Hadit Camp, OTO
Completed 11-24-90 e.v.